Answers for Discontentment

We can be people of very short memory. We forget and ignore what the Lord has done for us. Consider the people of Israel and how quickly they lost sight of how God worked for them.

For 400 years plus, the descendants of Jacob lived as strangers in a land ruled by a people who feared and despised them.

What was it that made Egypt suspicious and envious of the Israelites? That’s simple:  these people were fruitful and multiplied a lot. They were the ones who followed the mission God had given to humanity when He fashioned Adam from dust and made this man alive with His breath.

Israel’s numbers made Pharaoh anxious for he knew nothing of Joseph, the son of Jacob, whose wisdom from the Lord once preserved the empire in days of fierce famine. Rather than appreciate the presence of God’s people within his borders, this ruler strategized to keep them in place.

One of Pharaoh’s first measures was a program of harsh labor. Work Israel hard. Wear the people out. Perhaps, they will become too tired to reproduce. The sons of Jacob were forced to make bricks and build cities for the Egyptians.

This empire and its citizens were used to having other peoples do the difficult and tedious tasks related to life. Luxury and idolatries reigned in their cities and towns. Pharaoh figured he and his subjects could sit back and watch Israel’s people work themselves to death.

He was wrong. The more the Israelites were worked, the more was added to their numbers.

Death Sentences

These developments pushed Pharaoh to implement more diabolical measures of population control. Israel’s Midwives were called before the ruler and ordered to let all male babies die. These midwives trusted God rather than this king. They were rewarded for their faithfulness to God’s people and given households with children of their own.

Egypt ramped up the pressure. The order went out that all boy babies were to be tossed into the Nile, where they would drown or be eaten by crocodiles.

Moses did wind up in the Nile, but his parents set him there in a waterproofed basket. Found by Pharaoh’s daughter, the son of a slave made his home in the palace. This boy, taken out of the river, grew up aware of his ties to Israel. And those ties were strong. He slew a slave supervisor for beating one of his “brothers.” As a result, he was driven from Egypt to the desert reaches of Midian. He spent 40 years there, took a wife and became a father. He was out of sight and out of mind.

That is, until the people of Israel prayed. God then chose to answer the cries of His chosen ones by first visiting Moses at the burning bush. He called Moses to service in the deliverance of Israel.

Moses confronted Pharaoh in the name of Yahweh. The empire wilted under a series of plagues, judgments sent from Heaven. The ultimate one left every Egyptian’s firstborn dead.

The people of Israel were shown the way of escape from the death angel. They were to slay a lamb and place the blood around their doors. Inside, under the sign of the blood, they were safe. They ate. They sang. They waited.

The next morning, Israel’s hundreds and thousands were driven from Egypt by order of Pharaoh. God’s plagues had done their work and more. Gold, silver and myriads of precious jewels and clothes were heaped upon these slaves set free. The bound became bedazzled.

Where were they going? They really didn’t know. Moses led them and God revealed His presence in the form of a cloud that glowed with fire by night.

The Sea Opens … and Closes

It wasn’t a clean and easy getaway, however. The Egyptians missed the servants who performed so ably for them. Once they learned that the Israelites’ freedom march had stalled at the Red Sea, Pharaoh sent his chariots and soldiers to reclaim the slaves.

God opened the sea and Israel crossed on dry ground. He then closed the waters and swamped the Egyptians, sinking the chariots and washing the bodies of their drivers up on the shore for Israel.

Again, the chosen ones of Jacob escaped certain death. Again, they sang, shook their tambourines and began their journey across the wilderness. A land of promise, one that flowed with milk and honey awaited them. They just had to get moving.

How hard could that have been for them given what they had witnessed? They tasted and saw the goodness and favor of the Lord. Their oppressors were no more. Their chains had been broken. They were laden with spoil they did not have to fight for. Who could ask for more?

The Israelites, that’s who.

They weren’t but a few miles from the sea when they presented their first grievance against their new status as freed people. Water was lacking and they wondered where it would come from. Never mind that God had just performed a remarkable and triumphant feat involving the waters of the Red Sea. They pined for life back in Egypt.

Grumbles and Grace

Once slaves in body, the Israelites were now slaves in spirit. Their unbelief and mistrust mushroomed as the days in the wilderness wore on. Soon they bowed, danced, and played before an idol, a golden calf that they honored as their deliverer. What made things worse was that this calf was made by Aaron, brother to Moses and the closest observer of all that God did through him for Israel.

Reaching the place of promise would be no easy road, especially for the faithful followers of the Lord such as Moses, Joshua, and Caleb. These men did all that they could to help Israel’s unbelief. But the complaints kept coming.

Their leader Moses grew weary of the dishonor on display around him. It left him so weak at one point that he himself ignored the word of the Lord when he hammered his staff upon the rock that gave water for the people who were thirsty again. He had been told to speak to the rock, not beat it.

Result: Moses, the one who had seen the glory of the Lord, would not be permitted to lead Israel into her land.

God is the Faithful and True Lord of All. We do live in a fallen and fractured world. Things do go wrong in our relationships, in our occupations, in our very bodies. We find ourselves with few friends and few cents. We do cry out as David did in Psalm 13: “How long shall You forget me, Lord? Forever? How long shall You hide Your face from me?” (Psalm 13:1).

Seasons of discontent are very real. I don’t want to diminish them and make light of the real pain we each experience. But the answer for discontentment is content; that is, we need a filling of our hearts and minds with thanksgiving and promises and prayers.

Jonah was about as low as anyone could get – stuck in the belly of a great fish as it swam through the sea.  But there he spoke in faith the truth he knew of God:  “But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to You; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the Lord!” (Jonah 2:9).  Soon Jonah was delivered.

Talk to the Lord. Tell Him all about things. There’s a place of Promise waiting for us. It’s being prepared by Jesus Himself (see John 14:2).

Our battles belong to the Lord. Trust His Word. Open the Book. Consider its chapters and verses. Let us furnish the rooms of our souls with the truth of who He is and what He is doing.

Christ brought us out of the bondage of sin and into liberty of His grace.

Communion and the Bread of Life

The feast of communion is to be a meal scented by fragrances of memory. Jesus took the bread at the Last Supper and presented it as His Body. True to His teaching method, the Savior fashioned a metaphor to drive home the message of His life.

He came to earth. His life was altogether a preparation for the offering of Himself, His death as the Lamb of God. In Leviticus and Numbers, in the Law given to Moses, we read of meal offerings or fine flour offerings that were incorporated into the patterns of worship for the people of God.

Jesus, though totally God in essence, was born as an infant to Mary. He matured in body, mind, and emotion as a human being. Luke 2 describes Jesus at 12 years of age finding His way to the Temple during Passover. Of this excursion, He said nothing to His “parents.” When He was discovered, a frantic Mary spoke as only an agitated mother could – “Son, why have you treated us so?”

His answer — “I must be about my Father’s business” — seems like a typical adolescent response. We could read it as Jesus saying, “What’s the big deal?” However, the next part of the story tells us that Jesus did go home and subjected Himself to Mary and Joseph in their home at Nazareth.

This subjection, this exercise of humility, was part of the Father’s business in the work of redemption.  As God the Son, Jesus participated in the Creation – Hebrews 1 defines this well for us. In taking on flesh and bone, Jesus occupied a jar of clay.  Now deity inhabited dust, but in the process, His life had to play out according to the rules of this planet and its cosmos. We could say that Jesus allowed Himself to be governed by the very people He had made.

I see the days of Jesus as a toddler, a youth, a teenager, and a young adult, as times of sifting, of readying His humanity for His ministry. Flour left un-sifted can grow lumpy and sometimes wormy. Looking again to the letter to the Hebrews, we read that Jesus learned obedience by the things that he suffered (see Hebrews 5:7-9).

Fulfillment of All Righteousness

When it was time, Jesus brought the fine flour of His life to the River Jordan. There, His cousin and forerunner, John the Baptist preached repentance and bid the people to confess and be made clean in the act of baptism, by getting washed in the river.

John and has family were of the line of Temple servants, as we read in the first chapter of Luke’s gospel. John’s father, Zacharias, was at the incense altar when the angel Gabriel appeared to tell him that the Baptist would be born to him and Elizabeth, two aged believers who had always prayed for a son.

Jesus’ approach and submission to John was necessary to fulfill all righteousness. John recognized his place under the authority of the Son and asked that he be baptized by Jesus. This authority the Son confirmed as a truth, but the Law had to be fulfilled in every detail. Jesus had to wash in order to enter into His priesthood, a priesthood of a heavenly order (see Leviticus 8:6).

And so John did as he was instructed. He put Jesus under the water and when Jesus came up, the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form and rested upon Him. This marked a transition in the ministry of the Christ in His way as the Bread of Life.

Anointed for Service

In our Bibles, oil is often used to represent the touch and effect of the Holy Spirit in our lives (see 2 Corinthians 1:21 and 1 John 2:27). The Spirit revealed Himself as He rested upon the Son; in other words, fresh oil was added to the fine flour of Jesus’ life.

After this anointing, Jesus would enter the oven of His public ministry. He had quietly lived out His days in the house of the Nazarene carpenter. From this point on, Christ would be out in the open. He would teach and heal and deliver and feed. His life demonstrated the power of Heaven over disease, demons, and death. He would also face trial and test.

At once, Jesus was led by the Spirit to the wilderness with all of its heat and arid conditions. This is where He would endure a ferocious, 40-day encounter with the devil. And what was one of the things Satan tempted Jesus to do? Turn a stone into bread.

Fast food — that’s what the devil wanted Jesus to produce. Hell is all about haste. The other temptations, as reported in Matthew 4 and Luke 4, were designed to entice the Son of Man to accelerate His work on earth. He wanted to push Jesus beyond the speed limit related to His ministry.

“Throw Yourself from the pinnacle of the Temple; the angels will catch you,” Satan challenged Him. Such a publicity stunt would astound the people and give Jesus an instant platform. The devil also paraded before Him the glitter and worldly splendor of the cities of this world – places under his control as the prince of the power of the air. “Bow to me,” Satan told the Son, “and all of these cities shall be Yours at once.”

Jesus remained true to the Word of God and refused these offers. The work He came to do, He finished. All was done according the pace dictated by the Father and the Spirit. The Son did all that the Father willed in God’s perfect timing.

He proclaimed Himself as the Bread of Life, the true food from Heaven. The Word made flesh was tried in the furnace of human existence (see Psalm 12:6). He avoided none of the fires that were sent to bake Him into the perfect loaf to be broken that Good Friday.

Resurrected and Whole

See the Apostles at the table. Imagine them as they took the fragments of bread and swallowed them. The next day they would watch as Jesus was swallowed by the hatred of the mob and sent to the Cross. Once dead, His body went into the belly of the earth, into a tomb sealed shut with a huge stone.

But on the third morning, Jesus came out alive. The glorified risen Lord stood before His followers, the whole Bread of Life never to be broken again.

“Do this in remembrance,” Jesus said. Consider His life. Contemplate His death. Celebrate the reality of Him risen. And look ahead to the feast to come, to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, to the moment we shall all sit at the eternal table of grace.

Oh, what Bread we shall see and taste on that day!